Sue Bradshaw


Sue is the Director of Grants & Student Services for the Machinists Institute; supporting staff, instructors and students as they make their way through the various training and educational programs offered by the Institute.

Prior to being hired by the Institute, Sue worked for the Center of Excellence for Aerospace & Advanced Manufacturing (COE) as Program Director for 11 years. She took leadership roles on several instrumental projects for the center including several Department of Labor TAACCCT grants, state funded Workforce Development grants and several DACUM’s for various colleges that focused on machining and semi-conductors. Additionally, Sue managed the NIST (National Institute of Standards & Technology) grant, the first grant nationally awarded to a community and technical college. Also, working closely with communications consultants, Sue was responsible for the development of several key marketing pieces for the COE. Living in a house divided, Sue has twin boys that are both seniors in college, one at the University of Washington and the other at Washington State University. Go Dawgs & Cougs!!


Shana Peschek, Executive Director


Adam Grim, Deputy Executive Director